For a limited time we are offering potential new members an introductory ONE YEAR’S FREE MEMBERSHIP in return for an article or story that we can publish. It could be a memory from schooldays, something you’ve done since leaving school, your career, a poem or piece of artwork, or especially photographs or memorabilia from your schooldays.
Once accepted as an introductory member, you’ll have access to a copy of the current “Old Burian” magazine as well as our occasional e-mail Newsletters for the next 12 months. We hope you will then want to continue as a regular member. For a modest subscription of £10 a year, you can be part of a community and stay in touch with what some of your contemporaries (and others) have done since leaving the school, and what they are doing now. And, of course, if you would like to be involved and help us run the Association by giving some time (an hour or two a month) we would be delighted to have you on board.
To be considered for your FREE membership for the first year, please fill in your details below and either add your written contribution or let us know about anything else (pictures, etc.) that you would like to send. We will then contact you.
Of course, if you don’t wish to submit a contribution at this stage, but you would still like to join as a regular member, you are very welcome to do so via the Join Us page.